Rich Hospital is one of the few hospitals in Turkey that has applied to operate as an Aero Medical Centre (AeMC).

    Rich Hospital has all the necessary equipment and criteria for initial and periodic aviation medical examinations of aviation personnel operating in our country. The medical examinations are carried out by our experienced medical staff and trained flight doctors. With the completion of the initial accreditation audit, our centre will serve private aviation companies, private flight training schools, maintenance organisations, balloon companies and aviation personnel working in the companies; pilots, cabin officers, air traffic controllers, load masters and other aviation personnel.


  • Private airlines, air taxi companies and their pilots, cabin crew members,
  • Flight schools that provide private pilot training and instructor and student pilots, technicians.
  • Foreign pilot and cabin crew examinations in EASA member countries,
  • We provide services to all other aviation personnel.


Our aviation medical examinations, health certificates and medical reports are issued by a medical board composed of specialists and experienced flight doctors in the relevant branches (ENT-eye-ophthalmology-psychiatry-medicine-neurology) and experienced flight doctors within the authority granted by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation, based on the minimum requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the requirements of the aviation legislation published by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation, the civil aviation authority of our country.

In order for any Aviation Medical Centre to be approved by the DGCA, it must be part of a full-fledged hospital and have at least two flight doctors on duty.



  • Documents issued at the time of initial, revalidation and renewal of aviation medical examinations;
  • Class 1 Medical Certificate (for professional/commercial UAV pilots and applicants),
  • Class 2 Medical Certificate (for amateur/private and non-commercial UAV and commercial balloon pilots and candidates),
  • LAPL Medical (for LAPL/Ultralight/Microligh pilots, free parachutists and candidates) 
  • Class 3 Medical (for Air Traffic Controllers and UAV pilots and candidates)
  • Medical Examination Report (for Cabin Crew Members and Candidates)
  • Other Aviation Personnel Medical Examination Report (for Load Masters, Maintenance Technicians, Dispatchers, AIM, ATSEP, Air Police personnel and candidates)


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